Give Your Light to the World
WHEREAS the WORLD FASHION Week® (WFW) serves as a global platform for the national fashion industries around the world, as an “Olympic Style” Event, designers and professionals representing their nation of origin and cultural identities, with the objective to positioning these artisans in the global market, in a celebration of cultural diversity expressed through the artistic and social movement of Fashion.
The WORLD FASHION Week® EXPO (the "WFW EXPO") is a collection of International Runway Shows by Country, WFW EXPO’s and Country Pavilions/Booths, dedicated to the promotion and trade of World Couture and Ready-to-Wear designer clothing and accessories. Entry is reserved for professionals/consumers holding an access badge or pass. In accordance with the purpose of the WFW EXPO, only clothing, jewelry, textile and artistic products and other miscellaneous accessories may be exhibited.
WHEREAS the World Fashion Week® LTD. (WFW EXPO), and International Partners are organizations dedicated to encouraging the expansion of world fashion in the fields of goods, services, capital and technology, to promote international fashion business relationships and the principle of fair and free trade among business enterprises and nations, raising awareness for Social, Corporate and Environmental responsibility, within the global fashion industry.
The WFW EXPO is organized by WORLD FASHION WEEK® LTD. (the "ORGANISER”). The ORGANISER is bound by a "best-efforts obligation" to organize the WFW EXPO. It excludes any indirect harm and, more specifically, any operating losses or financial losses. The total amount of any indemnities, which the ORGANISER may be liable to pay to an exhibitor, shall not be higher than the amount of the booking fee.
These rules and requirements apply in their entirety to all booking applications submitted by exhibitors for the WFW EXPO. All booking applications imply unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions and international rules. These terms and conditions and international rules shall prevail over any other terms and conditions or other documents issued by the exhibitors whatsoever. Any other terms and conditions issued by an exhibitor shall not be valid unless they are expressly accepted by the ORGANISER and provided they do not contradict these terms and conditions and international rules.
The ORGANISER shall set the dates and venue for the WFW EXPO with a view to the organizing the WFW EXPO as best and as successfully as possible, taking into account the Fashion Week and international schedule. The dates and venues indicated on the booking form are indicative. The dates and times for installation and dismantling will be indicated in the Exhibitor's Guide sent to each exhibitor who is duly registered and whose has fully paid for its booth/show within its country pavilion designated area.
Only designers and businesses displaying their own creations and products may take part in the WFW EXPO (subject to acceptance of their admission application by WFW Executive Board). Admission applications made by candidates who are in financial difficulty and/or in a debtor and/or dispute situation with the ORGANIZER or its group shall not be considered.
During a WFW EXPO, and more specifically on the last day of the current WFW EXPO, the ORGANISER shall offer the exhibitors the possibility of applying for pre-admission to the next WFW EXPO.
All new exhibitors, or any past exhibitors about whom the ORGANISER has reservations, who wish to apply to take part in a WFW EXPO, shall submit an online application via the ORGANISER's Official website:
Applications must be made online and the application file must include the following documents:
The ORGANISER reserves the right to accept or refuse the applicant's brand. If the brand is accepted, the ORGANISER will give the applicant a login and password to access WFW’s Secure Intranet Systems.
Applicants whose brand is accepted by the ORGANISER must log in to the web address provided by the ORGANISER and fill in the required fields (invoicing details, requested size, administration fees, etc.). The applicant must read in full the suggested summary, the terms and conditions and international rules and tick the box "I have read and accept the ORGANISER's terms and conditions and international rules." If this procedure is not followed before the date indicated in the ORGANISER's email, the application will not be processed by the ORGANISER.
On receipt of the complete application, the ORGANISER will confirm the booth availability (depending on the availability in its Country Pavilion) and send a pro-forma invoice to the accepted applicant. On receipt of the pro-forma invoice, the Exhibitor undertakes to make a down payment of 50% of the total amount (incl. VAT) of the requested booking.
Past exhibitors are defined as exhibitors who exhibited at the last WFW EVENT and about whom the ORGANISER has no reservations. They must log in to the web address provided by the ORGANISER and fill in the required fields (invoicing details, requested booth size, administration fees, etc.).
The applicant must also read in full the suggested summary, the terms and conditions and international rules and tick the box "I have read and accept the ORGANISER's terms and conditions and international rules." If this procedure is not followed before the date indicated in the ORGANISER's email, the application will not be transmitted to the ORGANISER.
On receipt of the complete application, the ORGANISER will confirm the booth availability (depending on the available sizes in Country Pavilion) and send a pro-forma invoice to the accepted applicant. On receipt of the pro-forma invoice, the Exhibitor undertakes to make a down payment of 50% of the total amount (incl. VAT) of the requested booking.
The ORGANISER accepts admission applications, participating country Pavilion based on such criteria as (i) date of receipt of the application, (ii) artistic originality and brand’s social/environmental responsibility of the application file, and (iii) the presentation of the articles and the booth display. No compensation shall be provided for rejected admission applications.
Exhibitors may cancel their booking within eight (8) days (including Saturdays and Sundays but excluding public holidays) of receiving the pro-forma invoice. After such 8-day period, booking applications can no longer be modified and any cancellation and/or withdrawal for any reason whatsoever shall be subject to a penalty of 50% of the amount (incl. VAT) of the requested booking and all administrative fees, all refunds will be due sixty (60) days after WFW event, refunds are only applicable when full payment of the inclusion is made, partial payments and sponsored brands are non-refundable. The penalty shall be due even if the ORGANISER is able to reallocate the booth that was initially booked or postpone the event within 24 months. Exhibitors are required to make a new admission application each season. Admissions are not tacitly renewed.
The subleasing or transfer of all or part of a booth, for a fee or free of charge, is prohibited.
Group booking applications for the same booth must be made in writing and include an application file containing the documents and terms defined in Article 5.2.1 for each individual exhibitor, along with a down payment of 50% of the total amount (incl. VAT) of the requested booking.
Co-exhibitors are jointly and severally liable for complying with their obligations under these rules and the booking rules. Should any co-exhibitor wish to stop co-exhibiting on a booth, in order to run a separate booth on its own account, the ORGANISER may not be able to automatically allocate a new, individual booth to that co-exhibitor. The past co-exhibitor shall then become a new candidate for admission to the WFW EXPO and shall comply with the admission application procedure as defined in Article 5 above, and shall confirm to the ORGANISER in writing that it is discontinuing the co- exhibition. Exhibitors are permitted to display on their booths only the equipment, products or services listed in their admission application and accepted by the ORGANISER and/or the equipment, products or services presented by their declared co-exhibitors who have been accepted by the ORGANISER. Exhibitors may not engage in any advertising whatsoever for non-exhibiting companies.
The ORGANISER shall draw up a layout plan for the event and freely allocate the booths based on the date the application files are returned as well as technical and artistic constraints. The ORGANISER shall endeavor to take the exhibitors' wishes into account. In any case, for obvious organizational reasons, the ORGANISER is not able to guarantee that all wishes will be satisfied. Claims regarding the booth allocated to an exhibitor shall not be taken into consideration. In no event shall the ORGANISER be liable to an exhibitor for any such consequences as may arise as a result of the booth allocated to it and/or the country pavilion allocation.
An exhibitor's participation in previous events shall not create any right to a specific booth or even the automatic renewal of its participation in the WFW EXPO. The layout plans will only be provided on express request during the two-week period before the WFW EXPO.
On the booth layout plan provided to the exhibitors, the ORGANISER shall indicate dimensions that are as accurate as possible. It is the exhibitors' responsibility to make sure that their booth is conforming before fitting out their booth.
The ORGANISER reserves the right to modify the size and layout of the exhibitors' booths as many times as it deems necessary.
Considering the constraints involved in positioning all of the exhibitors within a Country Pavilion, the ORGANISER may modify, within a range of +/- 20%, the size requested by an exhibitor and the corresponding fees, and the exhibitor shall not be able to cancel its participation on this basis.
In the event of a change in the requested booth sizes, the ORGANISER shall use its best efforts to inform the exhibitors of such changes as soon as possible.
Any damage caused by the exhibitors' installations or exhibited goods to the buildings or installations provided by the ORGANISER or to trees, plants or any other elements and/or, the floor, shall be assessed by the ORGANISER's representatives and charged to the exhibitors.
The country pavilion/exhibitors shall be responsible for the specific decoration of the booths taking into account the rules issued by the ORGANISER and in harmony with the WFW EXPO's general style. Exhibitors are nevertheless required to submit a decoration proposal for the ORGANISER's approval, including additional Country Pavilion space if requested. Booth decoration is a criterion for admission to the WFW EXPO, in accordance with Article 6 of these rules.
The exhibitors shall not modify the elements set up by the ORGANISER, such as banners, signs, lighting, rugs, or obstruct or encroach on the alleys or disturb their neighbors.
Exhibitors shall finish installing their booths the day before the WFW EXPO opens, for inspection by the WFW’s Safety Committee. Only Vehicles with special VIP Pass will be permitted to enter the WFW EXPO's venue on the day it opens and throughout the exhibition period.
In particular, exhibitors agree to comply with the following rules and the rules set out in the Exhibitor's Guide:
Otherwise, we shall not be able to guarantee the availability of the furniture.
Due to operating constraints, we shall provide you with the booth layout plans two weeks before the WFW EXPO, and only on request.
The exhibitors shall comply with the safety measures laid down by the Police authorities or by the General Police Department. In particular, they shall ensure that all the accessories they add in order to fit out or decorate their booths are inflammable or fire-proof.
Exhibitors undertake to display only products or equipment that comply with French regulations and not to engage in any misleading advertising or act of infringement or unfair competition. The ORGANISER shall not be held liable for any breach of this obligation. The Exhibitor shall, in all events, hold the ORGANISER fully harmless from all liability, decisions or settlements in this respect. If necessary, the ORGANISER may remove the products/equipment in question immediately.
Visitors must be able to freely move around the Country Pavilions and exhibition without being diverted by the exhibitors.
On pain of immediate exclusion from the WFW EXPO, without refund or compensation, and on pain of immediate payment of all amounts due, it is prohibited to:
A competent person must man at the booth all times during opening hours.
Booths must be kept in impeccable condition. The exhibitors shall not clear out their booths or remove any of their articles before the end of the WFW’s Expo. Exhibited items shall not be left covered up during the WFW EXPO's opening hours. The ORGANISER shall be permitted to remove anything, which covers up any items.
Loose packaging or items not being used in the display, and the staff's changing rooms, shall be kept out of sight of visitors. Any covers used at night shall be kept out of the visitors' view but stored inside the booths, out of sight.
All information and details about the exhibitor's participation in the WFW EXPO are provided in the "Exhibitor's Guide". The Exhibitor's Guide includes, without limitation, the order forms for electricity, water, invitation cards, regulatory safety measures and instructions for fitting out the Country Pavilion, booths and other useful addresses.
Exhibitors to post a deposit of 1,000 euro prior the Event to cover possible supplementary costs or damages to the booth. Such deposit would be released 30 days after the event and deduction of money due,
WFW to retain an Exhibitors’ products until full payment or performance of an obligation by the end of the Event;
The prohibition of the use of WFW trademark by the Exhibitors except relating to the Event of which they were part and are approved by writing by WFW EXPO Official.
Explicit reference to good taste, prohibition of bribery, prohibition of offensive or political, religious, sexual, racial or otherwise discriminating content.
In no event WFW shall be deemed to be an agent or otherwise represent any of the Exhibitors and conversely.
* All Exhibitors are subject to 5% sales commission during WFW events.
The Country Pavilion Representative/Exhibitor shall pay 50% of the price description in the information sheet provided by Organizer and upon receipt of the WFW pre-booking invoice.
The Country Representative/Exhibitors shall pay the ORGANISER the balance of the Inclusion fee defined in the WFW EXPO's price list and terms, by no later than ninety [90] days before the WFW EXPO begins. This price does not include taxes and supplies (water, electricity, etc.). WFW’s EXPO inclusion fees include the following services:
For all additional information, please contact us.
The Official Representation, Country Pavilions, Exhibitor booths & runway shows will not be made available to the participant exhibitors until full payment is made before the deadline.
The ORGANISER shall apply a five [5]% discount for exhibitors who meet the following two cumulative conditions:
In the event of non-payment of the invoice on the due date, a penalty equal to ten [10]% of the amount of the invoice shall apply, it being specified that the amount of the penalty shall never be less than three [3] times the statutory interest rate plus four points, and shall begin to accrue as from the day after the due payment date indicated on the pro-forma invoice. In addition, if payment is not received at least 90 days before the event starts, the ORGANISER may cancel the allocation of the Country Pavilion/booth/showroom and Country Fashion show, if any, by email and registered letter with return receipt requested and seek payment of a sum equal to [100]% of the total amount of the booking, and reallocate the booth to another country/exhibitor/show.
Without prejudice to the above, in the event the first installment is not paid by the date indicated on the pre-registration invoice, the exhibitor's application shall not be validated and it shall be notified of its non-admission. It shall nevertheless be required to pay 50% of the price of the booth as well as administrative fees, unless it withdraws within 8 days of receiving the pre-registration invoice and in the conditions described in Article 6 of these terms and conditions.
Without prejudice to the above, in the event the second installment is not paid by the date indicated on the pre-registration invoice:
The ORGANISER reserves the right to deny the exhibitor access to the installation of the WFW EXPO.
The ORGANISER reserves the right to rent the country pavilion/booth out to another country/ exhibitor.
The ORGANISER reserves the right to demand full payment of the invoice and payment of the administrative fees as compensation, even if the pavilion/booth is rented out to another country/exhibitor.
Exhibitors may not leave, clear away or dismantle their booths before the WFW EXPO officially closes. Exhibitors may not take away any equipment without justification and without the ORGANISER's written authorization (release form). The Country Pavilions/booths must be vacated no later than 6 hours after the WFW EXPO closes. The booths must be returned in their initial condition. Should an exhibitor breach these obligations, the ORGANISER shall be free to apply a penalty of $5,000 as soon as it discovers any breach of the above mentioned obligations.
Only the ORGANISER has the right to publish and distribute, or arrange for the publication of the WFW EXPO's catalogue. The necessary information to prepare the catalogue will be provided by the exhibitors, under their own liability, at least 60 days before the WFW EXPO opens. The ORGANISER shall not be liable for any omissions, reproduction or composition errors or any other such errors as may occur.
Exhibitors/Designers expressly authorize the ORGANISER, for no consideration after the WFW EXPO, to:
The ORGANISER disclaims liability for any harm that may be sustained by the exhibitors (including disturbance or direct or indirect commercial harm) for any reason whatsoever. The ORGANISER has nevertheless taken out the following Damage Insurance and Civil Liability Insurance:
The ORGANISER has taken out Civil Liability insurance covering the ORGANISER and the exhibitors (to the extent necessary) against any damage caused to third parties. For more information, please refer to the excerpt from the insurance policy which shall be provided on request.
Waiver of rights and remedies: by taking part in the WFW EXPO, the exhibitors waive all their and their insurers' rights and remedies against the ORGANISER and their insurers based on any direct or indirect damage that may be caused to their property or to their staff.
Each exhibitor is responsible for carrying out the customs formalities for the equipment and products originating from or intended for a foreign country. The ORGANISER shall not be held liable for any difficulties that may arise in connection with such formalities. Exhibitors who use music during the WFW EXPO, even for simple sound demonstrations, must declare and deal directly with competent institutions and obtain any necessary authorizations.
The exhibitor shall be responsible for ensuring the industrial protection of the displayed equipment and products, in accordance with applicable legislation. These measures shall be taken before the presentation of such equipment or products, the ORGANISER accepting no liability in this respect.
The data collected on the booking application forms shall be processed by WORLD FASHION Week® for the purposes of organizing the event, promoting the WFW EXPO and making the catalogue.
Data subjects may ask to provided with or have access to, or to rectify or remove any data concerning them, by sending a written request to WORLD FASHION WEEK Ltd. -
In case of force majeure (war, terrorist attacks, strikes, national days of mourning, natural disasters, etc.), or prohibition or cancellation due to the intervention of a third party or in the absence of an administrative authorization and/or vital international logistic, the ORGANISER may decide to postpone or cancel the WFW EXPO.
If the event is postponed by less than forty-eight (48) months, final bookings shall remain valid and the down payments shall be carried over to the new dates.
If cancellation of the admission is requested by the exhibitor/brand once the Pre-Booking is covered and published participation in WFW website, the Organiser can keep or claim 50% of the total fees, up to 90 days before the event 75 %, and up to 60 days 100%.
In case WFW must cancel the Event due to force majeure, the fee paid by the Exhibitors should be reimbursed after deduction of WFW administrative costs paid by WFW for the organization of the Event split amongst the Exhibitors pro rata.
In the event of a breach of these rules, the ORGANISER may, without prior notice and without prejudice to any claim for damages:
Exclude the country/exhibitor and/or immediately close its booth; request and/or deposit the breaching items at the exhibitor's cost, risks and perils. In any case, the ORGANISER may deny entry to the exhibition to anyone who engages in any wrongdoing against one of the exhibitors and/or against the ORGANISER and its staff and/or partners.
WFW reserves the right to cancel the admission or reduce the booth’s space or cancel the event but keeping the fees paid by the Exhibitors (e.g. art. 6 and 15) are likely to be considered as penalty clauses. To be valid, penalty clauses cannot be abusive and must be justified. The total number of exhibitors and the possible difficulty to reallocate the booth should be taken into account. Participating fashion designers and their employees are not allowed to contact any other fashion designers or participating brands without the previous consent from WFW Executive Board.
Any failure to exercise, at any time whatsoever, any of the prerogatives granted hereunder, or any failure to demand performance of any provision of the agreement resulting from said conditions, shall not be interpreted as a modification of the contract or as an express or implied waiver of the right to exercise such prerogative in the future or the right to demand scrupulous performance of the commitments set forth herein.
Any dispute arising in connection herewith or with the WFW EXPO governed by these terms and conditions and rules shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong/International without giving effect to referral rules, submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court, even in the event of summary proceedings and notwithstanding multiple proceedings or parties. Any claims shall be made by registered mail with return receipt requested within ten days of the close of the Event.
In reference to the World Fashion Week EXPO an “Official Program” will be developed, which shall include the details of the appearance of fashion designers and participating countries in the WFW Venue, Pavilion/booth location, such as order and time of each country’s press introduction.
The WFW Executive Board has the power to delegate the organization and coordination of the shows and of the presentations, together with the compilation of the “Official Program”, to a third party.
The “Calendars” giving the approved dates of the events and forums, shall be divulged by the WFW EXPO at its own expense, using the methods that it considers most suitable.
No one can change add or take away anything the World Fashion Week has decided to publish. Once the “Official Program/Schedule” has been published and marked as "Official Program", the Members and Guests shall keep to it scrupulously, with regard to the day and time of their appearance.
In the event that any brands/exhibitors should fail to comply with the regulations regarding the “Official Program”, which have been established and approved by the WFW Executive Board, or in the event of any incorrect behavior – be it intentional or simply due to negligence, the Board itself shall take disciplinary measures, including that of exclusion from the “Official Program” and/or, in the most serious cases, the suspension of the participating country. Delays in scheduled meetings and/or pick ups that result in any difficulty, delay or damage to the following interview or show, are also deemed incorrect behavior.
Staff from the WFW EXPO and/or Venue Official, shall carry out the service regarding admittance to the hall where the show is being held. The World Fashion Week can, at its sole discretion, place its own personnel at the disposal of the participating countries.
During the period of this Agreement, exhibitors/designers representatives will maintain close communications with and report to the WFW Director of International Relations & Protocol, and/or Project Coordinator, the Chief of the Division of Knowledge Management at WFW.
Exhibitors shall independently arrange for:
The observance of all laws and regulations currently in force, particularly the fire regulations and regulations governing electrical installations, lighting, and the structures for setting up show, if any.
The use of environmental-friendly and flame-resistant, non-polluting materials and the use of structures for setting up the show, if any, which are not dangerous and which can be easily adapted to the spaces they have been allocated.
The control of the number of participants and guests shall not exceed that permitted by law or by the competent authorities.
Exhibitors should be drawn on local, regional and national regulations, including labor, social security, tax, IP, custom, business practices and safety.
The sequence of the show/appearance – and therefore each single show/appearance – shall at all times mirror the highest qualitative level of style and content, the penalty being non-inclusion in the calendar. Should any of the participants not respect the above, the WFW President, Executive Board and/or International Committee shall exercise a function of control and shall take the necessary steps immediately.
On submitting an application for participation, the candidate shall declare that he/she acknowledges and accepts these international Rules.
Each Participant or Guest shall avoid any conduct that public opinion could consider as not being in accordance with moral standards, or in any case reprehensible, during their appearances, shows, and outside them also. Express your freedom with respect.
World Fashion Week and its delegates shall not be held responsible in any event, for any possible violations, either committed by participants and/or guests, or provoked by them.
With regard to the on-going collaboration between World Fashion Week and the television networks for the shooting of the shows and subsequent programming, the Executive Board shall decide upon the ways, times and methods of shooting for television.
All official media announcements will be made by World Fashion Week regarding participating designers, sponsors, venue and dates accordingly to WFW's Official Calendar. Only after these details have been made public by WFW can designers & sponsors engage with local and international media.
Your collection for the runway can be for any SS or AW collections, within the categories of either couture or ready to wear, however must present your current collection.
Each designer will select their models from a pool of over 200 professional models provided by WFW®, three months before the event . This will allow for accuracy in measurements and also desired look suited to your collection.
All production, make-up and hair will be included in your fees. World Fashion Week® will provide back stage staffing for each runway show, production managers, slots for rehearsals as well as assist with music/video rights.
We want to use the power of fashion to bring positive change and upliftment. With this we are requesting the donation of one garment from your runway collection, to be auctioned off during the course of the WFW Expo.
The proceeds will aid in several charitable projects driven by World Fashion Week® such as the eradication of poverty, community upliftment and woman empowerment.
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signature by all Parties, without prejudice to article 18, which will survive the termination or expiration of this agreement.
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes all other prior communications, understandings and agreements relating to the subject matter hereof, whether oral or written.
In Witness whereof, the respective representatives of WFW, as executing production agency of the WFW EXPO.
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